Virginia Business College Receives Provisional Certificate to Operate


The Virginia Business College (VBC), a new college in Bristol, Virginia, was granted a Provisional Certificate to Operate from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) Oct. 29.

“This is a significant step forward for the Virginia Business College” says Dr. Gene Couch, President, of the 4-year, private, non-profit college. “This approval will allow us to begin recruitment of the inaugural class of students. We anticipate a site visit by SCHEV in the Spring of 2020, which is required prior to our final approval.”

The college is located on the former campus of Virginia Intermont College located on Moore Street in downtown Bristol. The Virginia Business College will primarily be a residential college, but will also accommodate commuter students and online leaners, according to Couch. Significant improvements have been made to the campus and will continue in the months ahead.

The Virginia Business College plans to offer seven business concentrations to bachelor degree-seeking students. The seven concentrations are:

• Accounting
• Business Analytics
• Entrepreneurship
• Human Resource Management
• Information Technology Management
• Management/Leadership
• Marketing

VBC expects to enroll students in August 2020.

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