Tri-Cities Airport Authority (TCAA) is one of 20 airports from across the United States to be awarded a Small Community Air Service Development Program (SCASDP) grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation. The $900,000 grant will be used to incentivize an air carrier to provide nonstop service to Chicago O’Hare International Airport (ORD).
The SCASDP grant will allow the TCAA to provide a minimum revenue guarantee (MRG), start-up costs, and marketing support to an airline partner for new air service to the Chicago hub.
“We are excited to be awarded the SCASDP grant and the opportunity it provides for our region,” said Gene Cossey, Executive Director of Tri-Cities Airport. “The grant can help us recruit an airline to provide this important connection for our community, and ultimately help stimulate additional economic growth for our region. It is important to note the grant is not a guarantee of service to Chicago. However, it is a new tool in our toolbox as we continue to persistently market the Chicago opportunity to carriers.”
The grant application process was highly competitive, with up to $15 million in funding available for no more than 40 communities.
“I am thrilled to have played a role in supporting the possible establishment of a direct flight between the Tri-Cities Airport and Chicago through the Small Community Air Service Development Program grant,” said Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger. “Improving the lives of residents in East Tennessee remains my top priority as a legislator. A nonstop flight would enhance convenience for travelers, bolster tourism, and strengthen our business community.”